Recently I came across the problem of ThreadLocal context in multithreaded environment. If the Thread that handled a request uses an Executor to asynchronously execute tasks, the ThreadLocal context is lost and information such as requestId will be be missing in the logs.
We can solve this using the Decorator pattern:

  1. Wrap Runnable to preserve caller Thread’s context
  2. Implement ExecutorDecorator that wraps every execution
  3. Additional: Configure Spring’s @Async to use Decorator

Please note:

  • MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) used in the example as the ThreadLocal context
  • caller Thread, which wants to schedule some task
  • executor Thread, which can be any Thread (e.g. from a pool) that executes the task

1. Make the runnable context aware

To pass the MDC of the caller Thread to the executor Thread, we get a copy of the ContextMap.
Then we set this context map before execution of the task and reset it after the execution.

// get a copy of the values of calling Thread's MDC
final Map<String, String> callerContextCopy = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();

Runnable ctxAwareTask = () -> {
  // get a copy of the values of executing-Thread's MDC
  final Map<String, String> executorContextCopy = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap();

  if (callerContextCopy != null) {
    // set the desired context that was present at point of calling execute

  // execute the command;

  if (executorContextCopy != null) {
    // reset the context

2. Implement custom Executor that decorates every task

public class ContextAwareExecutorDecorator implements Executor, TaskExecutor {

    private final Executor executor;

    public ContextAwareExecutor(Executor executor) {
        this.executor = executor;

    public void execute(Runnable command) {
        // decorate the task
        Runnable ctxAwareCommand = wrapContextAware(command);
        // execute the decorated task

    private Runnable wrapContextAware(Runnable command) {
        ... see above
        return ctxAwareTask;

Please note that I also implement Spring’s TaskExecutor for usage below.

3. Addition: Configure Spring’s @Async to use Decorator

We can configure the default executor easily with the following Configuration. See also Spring’s documentation: EnableAsync.

public class AppConfig extends AsyncConfigurerSupport {

    public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
        ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
        return new ContextAwareExecutorDecorator(executor);

Sample Application

There is a small sample application on Github. It has a service, which has an @Async method. After startup, the service is called 10 times with a specific MDC context containing the loop-count and the caller’s threadId. The asynchronous service method prints its MDC to the log, which should contain the original mentioned properties.

Without our ContextAwareExecutorDecorator, we will encounter the initially described problem: the ThreadLocal context gets lost.
In that case the log looks like this:

13:14:20.643 executorThreadId: 17; ContextMap on execution: null
13:14:20.748 executorThreadId: 18; ContextMap on execution: null
13:14:20.852 executorThreadId: 19; ContextMap on execution: null

If we now wrap the Executor into our ContextAwareExecutorDecorator, as described in Step 3, the problem will be solved.
The resulting log looks like this:

13:07:50.634 executorThreadId: 17; ContextMap on execution: {count=0, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:50.737 executorThreadId: 18; ContextMap on execution: {count=1, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:50.839 executorThreadId: 19; ContextMap on execution: {count=2, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:50.943 executorThreadId: 20; ContextMap on execution: {count=3, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.045 executorThreadId: 21; ContextMap on execution: {count=4, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.149 executorThreadId: 23; ContextMap on execution: {count=5, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.254 executorThreadId: 24; ContextMap on execution: {count=6, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.359 executorThreadId: 17; ContextMap on execution: {count=7, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.462 executorThreadId: 18; ContextMap on execution: {count=8, callerThreadId=16}
13:07:51.565 executorThreadId: 19; ContextMap on execution: {count=9, callerThreadId=16}